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The Academy of European Private Lawyers was formed by public act in Pavia on 9th  November 1992. The following were the founder partners: Prof. Alberto Trabucchi (University of Padua), Prof. Franz Wieacker (Università di Gőttingen), Prof. André Tunc (University of Paris ‘Sorbonne-Panthéon’), Prof. José Luis de los Mozos (University of Valladolid), Exc. Prof. Antonio Brancaccio (first President of the Italian Court of Cassation), Prof. Peter Stein (University of Cambridge), Prof. Giuseppe Gandolfi (University of Pavia).

As stated in Art. 1 of the Statute of the Academy, “its aim is to contribute, through scientific research, to the unification and the future interpretation and enforcement of private law in Europe, in the spirit of the community conventions”, and also “to promote the development of a legal culture leading to European unification”.

The Academy has its official headquarters in Pavia, in the central building of the University: Strada Nuova 65, I – 27100 Pavia (Italia), tel. 0039-038233955; fax 0039-0382504435. Here the academic meetings are usually held.

The Milan office and operational centre are in piazza Velasca 6, I – 20122 Milano (Italia), tel. 0039-02861622, fax 0039-028693129,
e-mail:     accadgiuspriveur@interfree.it


The intention of drawing up the draft of a “European Contract Code”, and the hope that this Academy would be founded, were expressed at the study meeting that was conducted at Pavia on 20th-21st October 1990, in which jurists belonging to the States of the European Community, and also Austria and Switzerland, participated. And until 1994 the Academy dedicated itself to the examination of various problems (of method, of content, of style, etc.) which were to be dealt with in a preliminary phase, in view of the later drawing up of the draft of a “European Contract Code”. In this connection the following books are to be noted: P. STEIN (a cura di), Incontro di studio su ‘il futuro codice europeo dei contratti’ – Pavia, 20-21 ottobre 1990, Milano – Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore, 1993; P. STEIN  (a cura di), Convegni di studio per la redazione del progetto di un codice europeo dei contratti, Pavia, 1992-1994, Milano – Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore, 1996.

The drawing up of the ‘draft’ began effectively in 1995. In 1999 the draft in the French language of Book One on ‘contracts in general’was concluded (artt. 1-173 subdivided into the following eleven chapters: preliminary provisions, formation of contract, content of contract, form of contract, interpretation of contract, effects of contract, performance of contract, non-performance of contract, assignment of contract and of relationships arising therefrom,  extinction of contract and derived relationships, other contractual anomalies and remedies. The draft of Book One was published, with the reports of the coordinator, in 2001. A second edition, revised and corrected, of this draft, with the reports of the coordinator, and in addition an exhaustive alphabetical index and the complete translations of the draft into German, English, Spanish and Italian was published in 2002. A further ‘pocket’ edition, newly revised and corrected, was published in 2004. In this connection the following books are to be noted: ACADEMIE DESPRIVATISTES EUROPEENS,Code européen des contrats, Avant-projet, Coordinateur Giuseppe Gandolfi, Livre premier, Milano – Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore, 2001; ACADEMIE DES PRIVATISTES EUROPEENS, Code européen des contrats, Avant-projet, Coordinateur Giuseppe Gandolfi, Livre premier, Milano – Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore, 2002; ACADEMIE DES PRIVATISTESEUROPEENS, Code européen des contrats, Avant-projet, Coordinateur Giuseppe Gandolfi, Livre premier, Edition de poche revue et corrigée par Lucilla Gatt, Professeur à l’Université de Naples 2, Milano – Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore, 2004.

The original text in the French language and also the complete versions in German, English, Spanish and Italian can be found below on this Internet site.

At present the Academy is dedicating itself to the drawing-up of Book Two of the draft on ‘specific contracts’.